Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Party

We attended our red thread Christmas party on Saturday night.  It was a lot of fun.  Santa Claus came and visited with the kids.  There were a lot of games and fun for the kids.  The organizers worked really hard setting it up and there were of people there.  It was nice to get to get to meet more people.  Xing seemed more relaxed too.  In the past we've noticed, she sometimes would seem uncomfortable around a large group. 

We also went to the Luck Library and did crafts and visited with Santa there.

When Santa came to the Christmas party, I asked Xing if she wanted her picture taken with him and she told me "no, I already did at the library".


We had a party to celebrate Xing's 3rd birthday.  This was her first party with just friends.  I think it went well and the kids had a lot of fun.  They did some gymnastics and had a bouncy house.  Xing goes t gymnastics at Flyaways Gold so we had the party there.  Not sure if Flyaways will ever be the same.