Wednesday, May 20, 2009

video of bike rider

Here's a short 30 second video of the bike ride.

First Bike Ride

We got Coral a strider bike.  It's a tiny bike that doesn't have pedals and helps the little ones get their balance.  She instinctively knew how to get on. What was neat is how she was able to keep her balance.   She was going up and down the driveway in less than 5 minutes.  It was pretty cool and she was learning how to turn also.  It's pretty neat how she got the hang of it so fast.   We were going to wait until Forever Family Day but decided to make that day sentimental with sentimental gifts instead of like a birthday.  Also, she turned 30 months old today!  Some friends of ours from chinese dance have one for their daughter.  She is little bit older than Coral and was in her first bike race on Sunday!    I have a feeling I will be outside alot this summer! Her Uncle Larry will have a bike riding partner now.
The website is:  If anyone is interested, we can contact our friend as he is a dealer for the bike.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

video clip of recital

This is a clip from backstage.  Better video coming later.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Recital pictures/Happy Handkerchiefs

I was backstage so I couldn't really see everything, but apparently she stole the show.  During tummy time, she walked up to one girl and started patting on her on the head.  Then she walked almost to the edge of the stage and starting pointing.  Teacher was pointing for her to go back and Coral was pointing back at her.  She had everybody in the audience cracking up.  Bill video taped several things so we're trying to figure out how to get just her dance for our blog.  Mine isn't that good b/c it's from the back.  They were selling flowers so her daddy bought her a coral rose.  These pictures are from the practice run.  The picture where the girls are on the hand rail is a picture of her friend.

There is one picture from the actual performance.

This is a clip from my camera.  We will upload Bill's soon.

They were called the Happy Handkerchiefs.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

video of recital practice

The first one is of Coral.  The second one shows what they're supposed to be doing.  The 3rd is of her singing.

Mother's Day pictures

Pictures from Mother's Day

Last dance practice/Mother's Day

On Saturday we went to the last rehearsal before the dance recital.  Xing Xing will be able to participate in the recital!  Her lao shi (teacher) said for us to let her be on stage by herself and if she runs around or lays down to just let her.  The girls are really cute in their outfits.  They wear their pink leotards/tights and have the costume over their leotards.  They get to wear high pigtails so their bows show.  We got a chance to see the older girls perform and they are really good.  This rehearsal was 1 1/2 hours long!  Xing Xing had to take a break a couple of times.  After the practice we went to Red Lobster to celebrate Mother's Day.  We had a delicious shrimp and lobster linguine.  On Mother's Day, Coral gave me a bag that April made for me, a necklace and earrings that say Mother/Daughter in chinese and a Hello Kitty card.I got a coral rose as well.  She's also getting me a Brita water filter but the Target we went to didn't have the pink one.  I want the pink one b/c my kitchen's pink.  She gave my mom a necklace/earrings that says lao lao in chinese and she gave Nai Nai a web cam for her computer.  I'm attaching pictures of all the gifts.

Well, apparently Coral Rose Xing is a popular name.  I've had numerous people tell me not to change it b/c it's so pretty.  We'll decide by the time readoption rolls around.  I love the meaning of Coral Xing Libi, but didn't realize so many people just love Coral Rose Xing!  

Next week is the big recital.  The recital starts at 2:30 (we have to be there at 1:o0) and that's usually when she naps so we'll so how things go.  We'll post pictures and video.  

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chinese dance recital costume

We were very, very proud of Coral today!  She did everything (almost) that Amy asked her to do. She even stood in the line and participated in the dance portion of the class.  This is the recital part.  Up until today, she really only did it at home. It's like something clicked with her today. The girls got to rehearse in their costumes. Everyone looked adorable!  She won't have on orange pants during the recital.  Next week is "boot camp" when the girls demonstrate how they've progressed.  It looks like she MIGHT make it to the recital. Her performance next week is a big factor.  Her teacher is hopeful.   The only bad thing is that she will miss her cousin's birthday party.  We were hoping to make it to both, but due to class being rescheduled to 10:00-11:30 and due to the distance we're not able to.  If we don't go to class, then she can't be in the recital.  Bill and I want to do as much as much possible with family now that we're in Wisconsin.  I got a new camera so I'm just learning how to use it.  It's got a smile detector..automatically takes a picture of smiling faces, face detector(i can set to detect a face like Xing Xing's) , double anti-shake and I don't know what else.  I've got to show Bill how to use it too.  I'm also going to attach 4 short videos.  The first 2 are about 40 seconds each.  The last 2 are about 10 seconds. 
Be sure to check out her doing her "table top" by herself!