Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First Bike Ride

We got Coral a strider bike.  It's a tiny bike that doesn't have pedals and helps the little ones get their balance.  She instinctively knew how to get on. What was neat is how she was able to keep her balance.   She was going up and down the driveway in less than 5 minutes.  It was pretty cool and she was learning how to turn also.  It's pretty neat how she got the hang of it so fast.   We were going to wait until Forever Family Day but decided to make that day sentimental with sentimental gifts instead of like a birthday.  Also, she turned 30 months old today!  Some friends of ours from chinese dance have one for their daughter.  She is little bit older than Coral and was in her first bike race on Sunday!    I have a feeling I will be outside alot this summer! Her Uncle Larry will have a bike riding partner now.
The website is:  If anyone is interested, we can contact our friend as he is a dealer for the bike.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen that kind of bike! She is the perfect age for it. Pedals are just so hard for them to reach and use when they are so young!
