Friday, July 17, 2009

doctor visits

We just got back from the ENT appointment.  He did a larynoscopy (?) in the office...which is painful to watch.  What this is is a tube that is inserted through the nose with a camera so the doctor can see the throat - I think I explained it correctly.  As expected, Aixing did not this, but was a trooper through it.  This revealed that Aixing has some redness and callouses on her vocal cords.  This is good news.  The doctor explained that she could have strained her voice (or not really used her voice either) or could have some acid reflux.  The hoarseness does come and go particularly if she is tired.  She has never spit up or anything with us.  He has prescribed some acid reflux medicine to see if that helps.  He is of the opinion that the hoarseness will eventually go away with time. Hopefully, this will take care of the problem.  However, I can't get her to take the medicine!  It does taste awful.  I've wasted several doses by trying it in different foods.  You can still taste it.  I called the doctor for some suggestions.  

Also, he said the chance of the cleft in the brain and heart is so very tiny that he feels we should not do an MRI at this but continue to follow her developmentally. 
Also, her eyes don't cross in, it just looks that way.  It's called pseudoesotropia and the eyes appear to cross. It's generally due to facial structures.  The wide bridge of the nose and small folds of eyelid skin on the nasal side of the eye contribute to this appearance by covering the "white" of the eye.  How to tell the difference is to shine a flashlight in the eyes and if the light is in the center of each pupil, the eyes are aligned.  The doctor said alot asians have this appearance.  I just knew she was going to have to have surgery!
Her hearing is perfectly normal.  So...I guess she's got selective hearing!  Developmentally, she's right where she should be for language and above average for her cognitive ability.  That's great news!
Two days of doctors have worn us out!  We're just going to rest this weekend.  

1 comment:

  1. She sounds like a brave little girl! Nice to have those tests behind you!

    I got a kick out of her favorite book that you posted about a few entries ago! I have been bad about blogging and following others blogs with the busy summer. I will have to get a hold of that book for my kids...I bet they'd love it too!
