Sunday, July 12, 2009

XingXing's new favorite book

Aixing has a new favorite book:  Walter the Farting Dog.  She loves this book.  It is also available for her TAG reader so it will give sound effects.  We have to read to her every night before she goes to sleep.  My friend Michele in Hawaii loves these books and I remembered that she liked them.  Now, another friend in Tennessee, Di, wants to get one too.

She helped plant flowers this weekend and give Mimi a bath.  We found out the reason she's shedding so much is she never really developed her undercoat b/c we lived in warm areas.  She's off schedule for developing.  We were told by October she should be on schedule.  Then she will only shed (or blow out) two times a year!  

Xingxing also enjoyed playing hide and seek with Gable.  I don't think Gable was looking very hard for her though.

You'll also notice the fence that got us in trouble with Luck village.  It's too high, but we're cutting it down to 5 feet, so everything will be okay.  None of the neighbors complained as you can't see it from their houses b/c of the trees and the way the garage sits, but oh well.

Tomorrow is the day our Social Worker comes for our final post placement visit.  Yea.  We are also doing the readoption here in the US.  This is an optional step but we feel that it will make things easier to have a birth certificate in English.  Plus, it'll be cool to have her birth certificate to say Luck, Wisconsin.  She legally became our daughter on July 1, 2008 when we signed the papers.   

We go the ENT this week to see about her throat and see about scheduling the MRI and CT scan.  We'll let you know what the doctor says.


  1. I love Walter! Did you know there are several different Walter books? My students love listening to those stories. I love the ladybug look:) Who is Mimi???? Another dog?

  2. I think my brother-in-law has this book. He's 40+ =D

    Congrats on the final home study!!
